bubbles n’clouds
The Innovation Enablers

bubbles n’clouds are your coaches for innovative brands and marketing strategies, specializing in “Open Innovation & Closed Ideation Management.”
We support you in unleashing the creative potential of your company and your employees and dynamically putting it to use: for products that inspire your customers, for a presence that moves the market, and for free internal thinking that generates new ideas.

“We are your partner if you want to surf ahead of the wave of competition, not just ride it.”

On the way to new solutions, we accompany you holistically and with commitment – from trend analysis to development and evaluation to implementation. We think strategically and act very concretely, we are sparring partners and initiators. Always at eye level and in close cooperation with your teams. And above all: Consistently oriented towards your success of tomorrow.


Strategy Consulting


Trend Analysis


Training & Coaching

Inspiration through industry-specific trend observation and evaluation
Identification of company strengths and optimization opportunities
Coaching of employees in innovation discovery and development
Trend analysis using professional tools
Implementation through workshops and ideation labs.

bubbles n’clouds
Die Innovations-Enabler

bubbles nʼclouds sind Ihre Coaches für innovative Marken und Marketingstrategien und Spezialisten für „Open Innovation & Closed Ideation Management.“

Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, das kreative Potential Ihres Unternehmens und Ihrer Mitarbeiter zu entfalten und dynamisch einzusetzen: Für Produkte, die Ihre Kunden begeistern. Für einen Auftritt, der den Markt bewegt. Und für ein freies internes Denken, das Neues entstehen lässt.



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„Wir sind ihr Partner, wenn Sie nicht auf einer Welle mit dem Wettbewerb, sondern vor der Welle surfen wollen.“

Auf dem Weg zu neuen Lösungen begleiten wir Sie ganzheitlich und engagiert – von der Trendanalyse über die Entwicklung und Evaluierung bis hin zur Umsetzung. Wir denken strategisch und handeln ganz konkret, sind Sparringspartner und Impulsgeber. Immer auf Augenhöhe und unter enger Zusammenarbeit mit Ihren Teams. Und vor allem: Konsequent orientiert an Ihrem Erfolg von morgen.

Inspiration durch branchenspezifische Trendbeobachtung und -auswertung
Ermittlung von Unternehmensstärken und Optimierungschancen
Coaching von Mitarbeitern bei der Innovationsfindung und -entwicklung
Trendanalysen mit professionellen Tools
Implementierung durch Workshops und Ideation Labs

Our Service: Strategically Planned Precision Landings

The consumer decides: they are the central compass by which new corporate activities must align if they are to lead to success.
The most important prerequisite for an effective strategy is the depth of focus with which customer needs are identified and fulfilled within a business field.

“The best strategic solution for a brand, product, or service is the one that customers themselves would choose. We find it.”

“From Insights to Ideation”

bubbles n’clouds helps you understand existing and future target groups, to place their business-relevant needs in the context of small and large trends. And from these insights, we arrive at exactly the attractive solutions that expand your position in the market segment.

Our consumer-centric approach accompanies every strategy process with proven and agile methods as well as new tools of design thinking.

Situation analysis of consumer, context, competition, and company
Identification of needs, drivers, and barriers
Agreeing on goals for business and brand-relevant concepts together
Strategy development and tailored tactics with a project plan and phases.

Optimally leveraging future trends

Which trends are relevant to your company? Which ones can impact your business success? And how can you use these trends concretely for your products and services of tomorrow?

With bubbles n’clouds, you have experienced trend experts by your side. We observe current trends and evaluate their potential – whether they are micro-trends in the product area or mega-trends that can sustainably move an entire industry.

Inspiration through team dynamics

In individual trend workshops, we work with your employees across departments to develop creative ideas that move your company forward and keep it there in growth areas. We also involve people familiar with the brand and market, such as suppliers, customers, and agency employees. In short, we not only scout the trends but also ensure that practical new solutions emerge from the insights gained.

“Good to know a trend. Better to know how it can work for you.”

Future Facts: Strategic trend monitoring and analysis
Trend scouting: Digital online tools for trends, trend analysis, and best practice examples
Trend frameworks: Development of individual trend overviews on a mega, macro, and micro level
Trend workshops: Development of trend-based concepts for products, services, and positioning.

Implementation is teamwork: Ideation Lab

The best idea is only as valuable as its implementation – and its realization in visible corporate and employee actions through training and coaching.

Blowing a fresh wind – in the right direction

Unleash the potential: This is ensured by the Ideation Labs that bubbles n’clouds organizes and moderates. In these labs, we create a positive atmosphere in which the development of innovations and their transfer into practice seamlessly and cross-functionally merge – creative in approach, productive in results. And with a high level of identification for all employees. In this way, mental freedom and business aspects can be ideally combined.

“In the Ideation Lab, employees become collaborators”

An Ideation Lab is designed as a physical or virtual space, stationary, mobile, or temporary, depending on the situation, and accompanied by experienced coaches. Timing, scope, and process structure are oriented towards project requirements.

UNDERSTAND – Training and coaching workshops
EXPLORE – Inspiration workshops and competition of ideas
REALISE – Implementation of concepts.

The 3-step lab approach

From us – about us

We believe in…

… the creativity and innovative power of employees: We call it “Unleash the power”. There is a lot of creative energy within a company. Often, employees lack the time, motivation, or courage to think and work creatively on their own. Through our innovative approaches and modern techniques, we encourage the entire crew and tap into this potential.

… learning by doing. Our internal “On the Job” coaching on all brands and marketing topics during ongoing project processes allows employees to test and implement knowledge, tips, and suggestions in practice.

… good ideas. Unfortunately, it often only stays at the idea stage! We find it a shame when good thoughts and promising concepts remain in the drawer. Our personal or digitally supported process for generating and realizing ideas helps those in charge successfully bring ideas to life.

… inspiration through trends. Knowing what is coming and going, which trends will be relevant, and which will not.

… strength through togetherness. That’s why we actively steer and support our clients in implementing development programs in cross-functional teams, improving internal collaboration, and defining more efficient workflows.

With competence for you in action

Team members of bubbles n’clouds are certified as Bafa consultants, IHK start-up coaches, and SME consultants.

Susanne Horber (Dipl.Kfr.)
(Marketing, business management, and law) works with brands both domestically and internationally. Her focus lies in the food and tech industries, as well as target group marketing for children, teens, and families.

Antje-Ann Sturm (M.A.)
(Communication science, psychology, and media law) specializes in brand and strategy consulting in the areas of food, fashion, and lifestyle.

Contact Information

Susanne Horber- 01719965732 – horber@bubblesnclouds.de

Antje-Ann Sturm- 016096922463 – sturm@bubblesnclouds.de

Social Media

Antje und Susanne